Neck Lift

Neck Lift in San Francisco, CA

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What is a Neck Lift?

With more than ten years of experience, our San Francisco, CA board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. Charles K. Lee, can provide you with striking improvements to your neck profile. He performs neck lifts for men and women who want to reduce the amount of lax or "hanging" skin from their neck. Within a neck lift, Dr. Lee also performs platysmaplasty, which is a surgical procedure to tighten up the platysma muscles in your neck. He offers neck lift consultations at his private practice, L Plastic Surgery. Whether you have aging neck skin or loose skin on the neck from weight loss, Dr. Lee can put together a surgical plan that meets your needs. A neck lift is a surgical procedure that specifically addresses the redundant skin or a "turkey neck" appearance. We commonly have consultations with patients for neck lifts that can also include fat removal via liposuction. Explore your options with Dr. Lee by scheduling your first appointment today.

What Are the Benefits of A Neck Lift?

Individuals in San Francisco, CA who may be thinking about getting a neck lift should consider a few upsides of this treatment:

  • Smoothes skin that creases and gathers underneath the jawline
  • Minimally invasive procedure that yields minor scarring
  • Swift downtime timeframe that allows you to restart your regular life reasonably quickly
  • Boost self-assurance and self-confidence in your silhouette and whole exterior

Do I qualify for a Neck Lift?

If you are considering a neck lift, you may battle with visibly loose skin along the neckline. Whatever the reason may be, loose neck skin causes an older, unbecoming look, which in most cases can only be addressed with skin excision and a tightening technique. If you are at a healthy weight but you feel frustrated by lines, wrinkles, and loose skin on the neck, a neck lift surgery may be a suitable option.

Dr. Lee's Surgical Technique

Neck lifting procedures by Dr. Lee are often be performed in the L Plastic Surgery office under local anesthesia. Once you are prepared for the surgery, Dr. Lee will make small incisions at your ears and one under your chin. If it is in your surgical plan to have neck liposuction, Dr. Lee will perform that procedure first. Then, he will also tighten the platysma muscle. When he removes the excess skin on your neck, he will carefully excise it and suture the remaining skin in tight. Once the procedure is finished, you will be in recovery for a short period and then sent home You will be given aftercare instructions and a compression neck brace to hold your newly shaped neck in place during the first 3 – 4 weeks of healing.

Neck lift recovery

After a neck lift, there will likely be some bruising, swelling, and moderate discomfort. These effects will fade. You should rest and avoid strenuous activity for a couple of weeks to assist in the healing period. While recovering, button tops or loose-fitting clothing is ideal. You should see visible aesthetic differences very quickly. In fact, it has been noted that the neck lift treatment can make one of the biggest impacts on a profile. You will have a follow-up appointment at L Plastic Surgery within the week of your surgery. This is for Dr. Lee to check the progress of your incisions, answer your questions, and document any concerns you have post-procedure. In the interim, if you have any concerns or questions about your health from the surgery, please do not hesitate to call our office.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I ask for a neck lift or neck liposuction?
Dr. Lee will determine what is needed after seeing your neck and talking to you about your aesthetic goals for the surgery. A neck lift will only target excess skin – not fat. To qualify for neck liposuction only, you would have extra pockets of fat but still have great skin elasticity. Many patients have stubborn fat and lax skin on their neck. Dr. Lee can create a customized surgical plan with all three: liposuction, neck muscle tightening, and skin excision.

Will I have visible scars?
Dr. Lee will perform your neck lift with the intention to conceal the incisions. Neck lift surgery does include an incision below the chin and two more near the ears. We can also provide you with instructions on proper scar care, which will help your incisions to heal thin and flat.

Can I combine a neck lift with other facial surgeries?
Yes. During your consultation, you can mention that you are considering another surgery, like a facelift or chin augmentation, along with a neck lift. It is normal for these additional procedures to be done together to get the best results. If you are concerned about a weak chin or undefined jawline, talk to Dr. Lee so he can create a treatment plan based on all your concerns.

tIghten up Your Neck

Contact L Plastic Surgery in San Francisco, CA for a complimentary consultation for a neck lift (with or without neck liposuction). This procedure will take years off of your appearance and you will love looking at the results in the mirror. You do not have to live a self-conscious life with lax neck skin. We are excited to share this exciting plastic surgery with you. Dr. Lee will evaluate you with the utmost care and give you a detailed treatment plan. Let's get started. Call for an appointment today.

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