Hand and Nerve Surgery

Hand and Nerve Surgery in San Francisco, CA

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What's hand and nerve surgery?

Dr. Charles K. Lee, our board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon and is an expert hand and microsurgeon. He is fellowship trained in hand and microsurgery from the Buncke Clinic, San Francisco, and has treated prominent Bay Area athletes, musicians, artists, mechanics, and professionals to restore the functionality of their hands.  Dr. Lee is a consultant reconstructive surgeon to the San Francisco Giants Baseball Team (MLB) since 2010.   Please call our offfce at 415 933 8330 so that Dr. Lee can provide expert an consultation for your hand or leg issue. 

what are Common Hand Conditions?

Here are some examples of common hand conditions that Dr. Lee treats.

Trauma to the hands and nerves
When hands or fingers get injured, you may need to seek out a qualified hand and nerve surgeon to repair and reconstruct the damaged tissues.   

Soft tissue reconstruction with Free Flaps

Dr. Lee performs microsurgical free tissue transfer with the Anterolateral thigh flap (ALT), Radial forearm flap, DIEP flap, and a host of other designer flaps for soft tissue reconstruction that is needed from cancer, trauma, and infection.  He has performed over 500 successful free tissue transfers over the past 15 years.

Carpal Tunnel and Cubital Tunnel
The numbness, tingling, and weakness you feel in your fingers and hands could be carpal tunnel. Dr. Lee can evaluate your nerve issues for diagnosis and treatment, which can include micro nerve decompression.

Trigger finger
When you have the severe inflammation in the tendons of your fingers and thumbs, you may have a medical condition called trigger finger (stenosing tenosynovitis). Trigger finger makes it impossible to move the fingers and thumbs out of a bent-fixed position.

what are Common Nerve Surgeries?

Injured or compressed nerves that are in your body can no longer help you to move or feel sensations in the affected areas. Dr. Lee offers peripheral nerve surgeries in instances where his expertise in microsurgery can repair, reconstruct, and decompress these nerves. He has treated hundreds of patients get back to normal after losing feeling, the ability to move, and feeling chronic pain. Dr. Lee has performed many treatments for the median nerve, ulnar nerve, peroneal nerve, sciatic nerve, and posterior tibial nerve.  He has treated patients for painful neuromas and uses the latest microsurgical techniques. 

how is recovery from hand and nerve surgery?

The hand or nerve surgery is performed in an accredited, outpatient surgery center with anesthesia. The number of hours in surgery and the level of anesthesia will be dependent on each patient and the severity of his or her case. Once discharged, each patient will be advised on how to clean and bandage the surgical incisions. Dr. Lee asks that you keep all follow-up appointments so that we can document your progress and see how your incisions are healing.

hand and nerve surgery faq

Why choose Dr. Lee for hand and nerve surgery?
Dr. Lee has expertise in hand and microsurgical techniques who has treated countless patients to restore function to the hand. He has treated prominent Bay Area athletes, musicians, artists, mechanics, and professionals. He has been featured on the Discovery Chanel, local and national news, and is internationally recognized for his expertise in reconstructive hand surgery. Dr. Lee and Dr. Scott Hansen (UCSF) performed the first great toe-to-thumb and second toe-to-hand transplantation at St. Mary’s Medical Cente, the world's first elbow-to-elbow transplantation at UCSF, and performed many complex reconstructive surgeries for the hand and leg. 

Will I have scars?
Yes. You will have scars where there is a need for an incision. However, Dr. Lee will keep the aesthetic appearance of your skin at the forefront of his mind when making decisions on how to approach where to make a cut. He will also discuss ways to limit scaring through proper wound care after your surgery is complete.

How long does it take to recover from hand surgery?
Each patient will have a different answer. It can vary from 6 weeks to several months. Not only do incisions need to heal, but there may be physical therapy involved to strengthen the hand to improve mobility and range of motion.

More than lending a hand

Dr. Lee, our plastic and reconstructive microsurgeon, concentrates his efforts on form and function together for your optimal health. If you are in the process of searching for a hand surgeon, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at our office in San Francisco, CA to learn more about L Plastic Surgery. With significant experience and skill, we can help restore your hand so that it functions properly and looks natural.

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